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Our Core Values

A promise made is nothing but an empty promise… until it turns into a promise kept. At Site Worx, we make these three promises to you to build peace of mind. And to make sure we keep our promises.



We want to be the hero in a story you tell the rest of your life. We want the Verity brand name to hold a special place in the hearts and minds of our customers….How? By doing whatever it takes to do the best job possible. By always showing up on time with a positive attitude. By giving genuine thanks to our customers, our trade partners, our investors and our fellow team members.


We maintain a culture of safety, whether it’s on a job site wearing hard hats and tying off on scaffolding, or in the office ensuring our customers feel comfortable entrusting us to build their dream home. We communicate openly and honestly. We protect everyone from customers to trade partners to investors. Building Peace of Mind starts with keeping the entire process safe for all involved. 



 Our customers must win. Our trade & supply partners in the field must win. Our Site Worx team must win. And our shareholders must win. To be the foundation supplier new customers and partners seek out and ask to work with, work for and represent, we find creative solutions where everyone involved in the process wins and enjoys Site Worx - level Peace of Mind.

© 2022  -  SiteWorx Excavation & Development Company, LLC  

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